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May 25, 2017

Featured Products

1100-LFC, 750‑LFC, 900‑LFC, CAL, Constellation, D-Mitri, Galileo GALAXY, LEO, LEOPARD, LINA, LYON

Booth 5960 | Demo Room W222B

Listen to LINA & 750‑LFC
Very Compact Linear Line Array System

Wed June 14 & Thu June 15
5pm | Chapin Theater

3rd floor of Orange Country Convention Center

See LINA & 750-LFC hot off the line at the Meyer Sound Factory

Meyer Sound Immersive Audio
Demos Daily!

Room W222B
9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm

Audio Demo Rooms Open a Day Early,
June 13th at 11am

Musicians, sound designers, and audio engineers have been using Meyer products for decades to create immersive audio experiences. Our demo room will highlight some of the technologies that have helped enable these, including Constellation Acoustic System, D-Mitri, Spacemap, and our IntelligentDC loudspeakers. We will feature New York violinist Brendan Speltz, the work of composer Rand Steiger, and other examples to show how immersive ideas become reality.


Session IS025
Real-World Loudspeaker Beamforming

with Bob McCarthy
Wednesday, June 14
9am – 10am

Session IS057
The Evolution of Ethernet and IP for Audio, Video and Beyond

AVnu Alliance, featuring Richard Bugg
Thursday, June 15
8am – 10am

Featured Products

1100-LFC, 750‑LFC, 900‑LFC, CAL, Constellation, D-Mitri, Galileo GALAXY, LEO, LEOPARD, LINA, LYON