We use the VLFCs mostly for effects. It’s very powerful and you can really feel the air move!”
"Big Mick" HughesFOH Engineer
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1100-LFC, LEO, VLFCPro Sound News Magazine’s latest Live Sound Showcase focuses in on Metallica’s WorldWired Tour 2017. In their first extended run across US and Canada in eight years, Metallica’s audio crew chose a massive LEO Family system provided by VER, with over 80 LEO line arrays, 1100-LFC low-frequency control elements and our brand new VLFC very low-frequency control element.
In the feature, the band’s long-time FOH “Big Mick” Hughes talks VLFC and more about what went into configuring the PA system. “We use the VLFCs mostly for effects. There’s a surround audio track that we run around the arrays for the song ‘One,’ and an LFE track from that is sent directly to the VLFCs. Then there’s an Akai MPC live sampler that we use for pyro concussion sounds, and the VLFCs produce the explosion sounds. The sampler plays a canon shot, but we also added a bit of a tuned note around 12 cycles. It’s very powerful and you can really feel the air move!”